
Uber. Your First Ride is Free. and It’s on Me!

September 13, 2014 | Posted By: | Blog |


What’s Uber? Uber, in simple terms, is your private driver and it evolved the way the world moves by seamlessly connecting riders to their smart phone at affordable rate. Unlike traditional taxi, you do not need to use cash to pay for your ride. All you need is your credit card (or PayPal) and a smart phone. By allowing the transactions strictly between the rider and their smart phone Uber simplified the idea of taxi.

At first, I’m going to admit, I was not moved by the idea of Uber and did not really pay attention to the mass hype about Uber; but after taking my first ride to Tech Week Chicago I absolutely “got the concept” and now use it whenever possible. I own a car but after doing the math for “owning a car” vs “using Uber” – I figured out that Uber is more economical. If you live in big cities such as Chicago or New York, it is better not to have a car. The cost of ownership, maintenance, gas, parking fees add up and it really becomes a hassle.

If you haven’t tried Uber, your first ride is free, and it is on me. I am giving you a $30 and to redeem it visit this page.
